Monday 15 July 2013

Petronas Art Gallery Kuala Lumpur

This art gallery is at Petronas Kuala Lumpur which provided for both Malaysian and foreign artist to display their art work. This art gallery set up for helping promote the development of art in Malaysia. Malaysia lack of this type of art gallery for the Malaysia artist to display their artwork  or idea or design. In the other country like western country has always had this type of art gallery for their artist to display their artwork. Because of this, there are a lot of artist are from western country.
From this art gallery i learn something interesting and creative such as how to find inspiration from the nature or something happen and apply in the artwork. The artwork must have an message bring to the audience. We may not draw something just nothing message or  meaning inside. We draw or do something always have their meaning. drawing also same, we can express our felling through drawing and the message can easy get by the audience from the drawing.
I also learn that Malaysia artist have the same standard if compare to the western artist. Malaysian artist also can produced a good and excellent drawing which the inspiration may come from culture, historical event an also Malaysia 3 race which we can live which harmony.

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