Sunday 30 June 2013

Creative Advertisement

Advertisement is the promotion way that increases the selling. There are a lot of advertisements in market but with creative and effective advertisements are seldom in market. A creative Advertisement that can attract the attention to the customers to stop and take a look at the advertisement and see what is the product is selling. Sometimes, creative advertisement can also make funny effect to the customers that also will increase the selling. Creative advertisement need a good ideas from the designer that make the advertisement make sense in order to increase the selling and make the company become popular.

Monday 24 June 2013


These two photos are using light to create amazing shadow by using piles of carefully arranged object. The object is using materials that non-use and arrange it in the way can portrait the shadow out. This is a creative to create what shadow by using the object that same to the shadow Besides that, also can say that people should view other people from different view and not only in one way. This is because when u views people from the different, you can find that sometimes you can understand what the people do and think.

Sunday 16 June 2013

This few photos are so creative which make the funny or amazing effect. They used forced perspective to shoot this type of photo. This is a creative way that all the people can easy shoot this type of photo by playing with different perspective. Forced perspective is the technique that makes an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than actual size. This technique is when the object close to the camera then the object will became bigger while when the object far apart from the camera and that the object will become smaller. Through this forced perspective, we can shoot a lot of photo which is impossible for example eat the moon, push the building and so on. 

Monday 10 June 2013

This picture use the easy way that is the apple which has been eaten looking at the mirror and the mirror show the perfect apple. When I see this picture, automatically I will think about the women which the women always think that she is fat although she is thin.

In psychology perspective, the apple symbol as the people which not confident in front of the audience while very confident when looking at the mirror. For example, we will felt we are weak or useless when meet with people that better than me. But, when we compare with ourselves, we will felt we are awesome and good.  

This picture also can interpret as people tend to see what they want to see in the mirror.

This picture is awesome that bring out the message of the behavior and attitude of people. 

Tuesday 4 June 2013

The reallity

People especially who live in city have the different face when meet with different people.

This picture is fantastic which the man can change his head and the head means the different expression. For example when we meet with our boss, we need to act serious while when we meet with our friend we can talk and act informal.

The head changing sometimes bring the impact and very normal in this society nowadays. For example, someone gossip something or talk bad things about someone. This picture use the easy way to make the audience easy to get what message need to bring out.  

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie underwent a preventing double mastectomy after knew that she carries a mutation of the BRCA1 gene. This BRCA1 gene will increase the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

When she knew that she has very high risk to get breast cancer and she decided to minimize the risk by underwent double mastectomy which means remove all part of the breast.

I appreciate Angelina Jolie for bring the message to the women  especially who have the history family of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Although she lost her breast but she never regret and have positive thinking toward her life. At the picture above show that her husband who is Brad Pitt that show his love by accompany Angelina Jolie attend the activities.

We will curious about how they continue her actor life without breast or will this effect her future actor work. Maybe she will use the fake breast when they acting.